Experience nature on the Rotmilan-Höhenweg
Rotmilan-Höhenweg (RMHW) is an approximately 45 km long circular hiking trail around the valley of the Elsoff stream, which not only connects the four Wittgensteinian villages
- Elsoff, - Christianseck, - Diedenshausen and - Alertshausen, but also
- Neuludwigsdorf,
a settlement of the Hessian municipality of Bromskirchen - symbolized by the pentagon way sign:

This will further strengthen the close relationship between the Federal States of North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse.
As the RMHW does not pass through the centres of the villages of Alertshausen, Christianseck and Diedenshausen, a total of ten access routes are marked in both directions as connections to the RMHW. These routes can be used, for example, for circuits of different lengths. They are marked with a red-yellow pentagon motif:
Members of the Rotmilan-Höhenweg Society are
- Heimat- and Verkehrsverein Alertshausen (Home and Tourism Society), - Verkehrs- and Heimatverein Christianseck (Tourism and Home Society), - Heimat- and Verkehrsverein Diedenshausen e.V. (Home and Tourism Registered Society), - Heimatverein Elsoff e.V. (Home Registered Society), and - Bürgerverein Neuludwigsdorf (Civic Society).